I’m Tab Leonard

Welcome to my corner of the Internet. You've landed in the perfect spot if you're seeking to take your success to the next level.

I collaborate with leaders, parents, and educators, empowering them to master the art of nuanced conversations, equipping them with mana-enhancing techniques that supercharge performance and foster greater fulfillment in life.

So come in, take a moment, and check out the FREE resources, training, and action steps necessary to transform your life.

Find Out How You Communicate Under Stress!

Create Connections

At Work

Have you ever hesitated to speak up when it mattered, fearing what others might think, say, or do in response? Did you know that the stories we tell ourselves often dictate how we feel and how we perceive the world around us?

I get it. It’s hard! I’ve been there too…

I used to hesitate to speak up when it mattered, fearing what others might think, say, or do in response. This fear of judgment and conflict prevented me from fully expressing my thoughts and ideas. Little did I realise this hesitation stifled my growth and prevented me from reaching my true potential.

But then, I had a realisation: enough was enough. I refused to let my fear dictate my actions any longer.

Through years of self-discovery and mastering the art of communication, I've unlocked the secrets to living a life filled with greater connection.

Now, I'm passionate about helping others break free from similar constraints. I have a message for you if you've ever held back out of fear of judgment or conflict. It's time to break free from those limitations and gain the clarity you deserve. Let's embark on this journey together and uncover the power of clear, confident communication.

I empower leaders to master the art of nuanced conversations, equipping them with mana-enhancing techniques that supercharge performance and foster greater fulfilment in life.

Communication isn't just about words but forging meaningful connections that transform your life and relationships. And I'm here to teach you how.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Let's embark on this journey together and explore the endless possibilities awaiting you.


Take What You Need


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What People Say

What I am learning with Tabitha has changed the way I approach conversations with my peers, colleagues and even my family. The skills I am learning here have already had a massive impact on not only my confidence in approaching conversations but also the outcomes from these conversations. I am excited to finally be on a PD that has genuine meaning to my teaching and work life.”

Anneka Rene

"I remember the moment I really started believing in your stuff when I sat with this difficult parent on the phone. I just went systematically through everything that you had taught us, and it worked. It was a revolutionary moment for me because it really did work. I was so calm, just working through strategies, disarming, finding the emotional connection, finding the even playing field and going from there to find a solution together. So simple. And it's so effective. It has revolutionised how I approach difficult conversations and situations with parents, teachers and colleagues. It's brilliant, and everyone needs to do it."

Heidi Lewis

Just wanted to touch base and thank you, sincerely, for your leadership of the team last Friday. I am really seeing each individual grow and they’re very open to learning and improving and I owe that to you. They love the PL they experience with you; they find it so practical, applicable, and meaningful.

 Thank you so much for contributing to the development and growth of our team.

Melissa Campbell